The River Group, London
Sep 12, 2022 12:00 PM
John Eberhard and Barry Moncrieff
The River Group, London


We have two speakers joining us, John Eberhard and Barry Moncrieff, they will be talking about the Thames River Group. The Thames River Group (TRG) consists of a consortium of Heritage River Stakeholders who want a return to the river as it was before the demise of the Springbank Dam in 2005. Priorities are the preservation of the River’s ecosystem and expanding the traditional and modern recreational uses of the Thames.

John Eberhard joined the Rotary Club of London in 1971. He canoed with the secretary of the club, his father at 10 years old. What followed was a life-time love of the canoe, from founder of the Canadian Canoeing Association, Past Chair, Canoe Canada, to Founder of the International Fellowship of Canoeing Rotarians and now a Life Member of the London Canoe Club.

Barry Moncrieff’s career includes: Professor and program coordinator, Environmental Technology program, Fanshawe College, Provincial Offences Officer and Drinking Water Inspector, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Barry has a BSc’s in Environmental Studies, Master in Environment and Business, is  a Certified Environmental Auditor and an Environmental Professional (EP)