It is also the birthday of Paul Harris on April 19th
Here are the details: Time: The Zoom meeting will “open” at 11:30 am for those that want to socialize before the meeting which starts at 12:00 pm. Login: https://zoom.us/j/666121982?pwd=ckhwQTN1RFNsbkJBUWxqYkY0SWtLdz09 Meeting ID: 666 121 982 Password: 030500 If you want to dial in via telephone — you can use: +1 647 558 0588 Canada.
Our speaker on Monday April 25th will be John Rozeluk, Executive Director of Mission Services of London. Mission Services of London is a social service agency serving thousands of individuals each year through its five distinct branches: Emergency shelter for men; Emergency shelter for families; Residential addiction treatment for men; Community mental health program; Thrift store. Its annual budget is approximately $8,000,000 with approximately 150 employees. Prior to joining Mission Services of London, Peter was a CPA / CA in public practice in London for 16 years in a small local firm, concentrating in income and sales tax compliance and planning (personal, corporate, trust, estate, GST, HST, US personal and corporate) and audits of small business and non-profits. Previously he spent 10 years with KPMG in Ottawa and Waterloo, leaving as a Senior Manager in Tax, and a member of the firm's International Executive Tax Practice. Peter is a Rotarian and member of the Rotary Club of London Hyde Park.
--Mark your calendars "SAVE THE DATE--
RCL 5th Annual Presidents Cup Golf Tournament-September 10th , 2022* Widder Station. 9n’ dine $110 early bird rate. Contact Heather@bfg-inc.ca with any questions Details to follow.
--Note from World Community Services committee--
The Phase one payment to replace the school furniture at the Paul Harris School in Mexico has been dispatched. Completing all Phases of the furniture replacement project requires individual Rotarian member support. If you are unsure of what to give, consider purchasing a student furniture unit, $130.00Cdn will purchase a double student table and two chairs. The Rotary Club of London Foundation will provided charitable donation receipts to individuals. It's Paul Harris' birthday this month, what better way to recognize the founder of Rotary's birthday than make a donation at his namesake school.
Join with Rotary to promote the power of vaccines to protect children and save lives.
During World Immunization Week, 24-30 April, let’s advocate for polio eradication and the importance of vaccines to the health and well-being of our communities. Vaccines are one of the greatest advances of modern medicine. They’re safe, effective, and save millions of lives each year. Our progress in the fight to end polio is proof that vaccines work.The Global Polio Eradication Initiative estimates that the polio vaccine has saved more than 20 million children around the world from paralysis. We need to continue vaccinating children against polio, because as long as the poliovirus circulates anywhere, it is a threat everywhere. Here’s how you can support Rotary’s efforts during World Immunization Week:Donate to PolioPlus to help Rotary and our partners deliver polio vaccines to vulnerable children. All contributions will be matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
--Note from DG Erin--
Many of you have asked how you can assist Ukraine. Here are a few options:
ShelterBox is responding to the Ukraine crisis and sending a team to eastern Europe. We are working to understand the type of emergency shelter people fleeing Ukraine need, if our aid will be suitable, and which locations we might be able to work in. We are coordinating with local authorities, Rotary, and other aid organizations to make sure as many people as possible will receive the help they need. For information and updates visit https://www.shelterboxusa.org/the-ukraine-crisis-explained/
In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. More information can be found here: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-foundation-creates-channel-direct-humanitarian-support-ukraine-region
The Rotary Club of London is participating in the 2022-23 Rotary Youth Exchange Program. We are in need of a host family for our inbound student from Switzerland Nanda Jurt. We require 3 families (Sept -Dec, Jan -April, April- mid July). I am happy to report that Club member Ian Davies and family will host Nanda Sep.-Dec. and Harry Joosten and family will host Nanda Jan-April. We are actively looking for a host family to host Nanda in April-mid July. Hosting an exchange student is an incredibly rewarding opportunity for all family members. Please contact Randy Harden (YEO) randy.harden@gmail.comif you, or if you know someone who would like to host our inbound student. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about this important Rotary program.
--Note from Don Bork--
District 6330 is looking for Rotarians who wish to serve Rotary in some roles at the District level as follows: District Youth Protection Officer Lead the District’s efforts to protect youth and vulnerable persons participating in Rotary programs. District Training Team Leader Someone who has the expertise of training and instruction that can work alongside the team. “Redefining Club Service” Committee Do you have great ideas for service in our increasingly virtual world? (Temporary committee). More information at rotary6330.org
Weekly Coffee Klatch
Since the Province has extended its Stay-at-Home directive, we decided to set up a weekly Zoom “Coffee Klatch” each Thursday from 10:30 to 11:15 am.