Meeting Responsibilities:
Zoom Host - Don Bork
Registration - Sandy Ronson
Sgt-at-Arms-Jim Swan
Fine payment-via interact e-transfer, refer to recent broadcast email to all members for details or contact Keith. NOTE-the interact e-transfer options for members now includes fines/dues/bottle drive proceeds & tulip fundraiser. Refer to recent Clubrunner email to all members.
A little bit about me:
July 26th-Sharadindu Rai
It costs nothing to send an eCOG to a friend/prospective member/neighbour. Please advise Jim Belton of names/contact info.
Having difficulty accessing and using Clubrunner, the platform RCL website runs on. See Clubrunner supplied link and information at the very end of the eCOG. 
Rotary Satellite Club meeting details----not currently meeting face to face due to C-19, but join them via ZOOM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm.. see details on the Facebook Page, the link is:
Have a suggestion for an eCOG-Bulletin article/story, please let Keith know.
Jul 19, 2021
Jul 26, 2021
Aug 02, 2021
Aug 09, 2021
Aug 23, 2021
A London video & picture show of nature in Komoka, Medway, The Ponds and the Meadowlilly Trail
Aug 30, 2021
Sep 06, 2021
View entire list
Rotary News Today
Here are the details:
Time:  The Zoom meeting will “open” at 11:30 am for those that want to socialize before the meeting which starts at 12:00 pm.

Meeting ID: 666 121 982
Password:  030500
If you want to dial in via telephone — you can use: +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Our guest speaker on July19th will be Helen Stevenson, BCom, MSM, ICD.D. HELEN is Founder and CEO of Reformulary Group Inc., a healthcare company that built a proprietary evidence-based drug list, the Reformulary®, and award-winning DrugFinder™ tool that provides Canadians with valuable, comparative drug information and saves money for company health benefit plans. The company recently launched Cannabis Standard™, a platform for Canadians to discover if medical cannabis might work for them, search comparable products, and track their health.  In 2018, Helen was named by MaRS Discovery District as one of eight Canadian female founders who have a relentless pursuit of success in science and tech. Helen is the former Assistant Deputy Minister of Health and Executive Officer of Ontario Public Drug Programs, responsible for the Province’s $4 billion publicly funded drug programs.  Under her leadership, the Government achieved an unprecedented $1.5 billion in savings over five years. Prior to that Helen was Founder and President of Savattuq Inc., a healthcare consultancy in Toronto and previously in Zurich, Switzerland. She was a founding Trustee of the Auto Sector Retiree Health Care Trust (asrTrust), as well as Chair of the Governance Committee and member of the Benefits Committee for seven years before stepping down in December 2017. Helen holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University, Montreal, Canada and a Master of Science in Management from Boston University Brussels. She holds the ICD.D designation. Helen has lived and worked in Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland.
Club members Don Bork, Heather Broadhead, Keith Morrow, and Jim Swan (camera man) make the cheque(s) present to Sister Joan Atkinson and Dale Boost representatives of the Foundation at Nightingale Place located on Dundas Street. The $25,000.00 represents the final installment on the Club/Foundations total $75,000.00 commitment. Interior office picture is centered on plaque acknowledging Rotary Club of London financial support to the building of Nightingale Place.
Sept 11th-WIDDER STATION Golf, Grill & Tap House THEDFORD
Widder Station has long been regarded as the venue of choice for public golf and events in Lambton County. The beautifully manicured 18-hole championship golf course winds through the areas rolling terrain and provides a wide variety of interesting holes for even the most experienced golfer. we pride ourselves on providing your guests with exceptional customer service, a beautifully manicured golf course and a memorable experience.
For EMAIL REGISTRATION-contact Heather at
For AUCTION ITEMS-contact Jon DeActis at
Putting Contests--Governance Vitality-Harry Joosten
Most Honest Men's Golf Team-Stephen & Caren Knox
Most Honest Ladies' Golf Team-Harris Funeral Home-Elizabeth Harris
Men's Longest Drive (1 of 2 available)-John Eberhard
Subject to the current indoor gathering guideline continuing, the Club has dates in both August and September. Bingo committee member last worked a Bingo event January 12, 2020. Bingo has been a longtime consistent generator of fundraising for the Club.
Weekly Coffee Klatch
Since the Province has extended its Stay-at-Home directive, we decided to set up a weekly Zoom “Coffee Klatch” each Thursday from 10:30 to 11:15 am.
Bring your own coffee of course.
Weekly President;s Cocktail Hour
President's Virtual Cocktail Hour which will be held weekly on Tuesday evenings from 5 to 6 p.m.   
Join Zoom Meeting

Next Club Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Rotary Club of London Board will be a Zoom meeting on July 21st-Wednesday-5:00PM.
- all members are welcome to attend Board meetings
- to view the Club's Board Meeting Minutes go to our website, Member Login, My ClubRunner, click on View Club Documents.
ZOOM link and codes are 
District Governor Erin’s Messageimage
Happy New Rotary Year!  
If we haven’t met in person (or via Zoom) yet, here are three things you should know about me:
  1. I have a four-year-old daughter, Emerson.
  2. I am married to Dan.
  3. I have the wildest career path (feel free to ask about it!), but everything I’ve done has been centered around creating change.
...and #3 is really great because our theme this year is “Serve to Change Lives”!
As we start this new Rotary year, take a look at your clubs, your communities, and the world.  Consider how we can remove barriers to allow current and future Rotarians the opportunity to serve to change lives. 
imageThere are a lot of exciting things planned for this year!     I look forward to connecting with each of you and learning about all of the amazing contributions our Rotarians make. I am extremely honored to serve as your District Governor for 2021-2022.  I sincerely appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm as we look forward to a great year!
Erin Shankie
District Governor
District 6330 
Did you miss our District 6330 Youth Exchange Reunion?
Our district youth exchange reunion was a lot of fun and inspirational too!
503 attendees requested a link via zoom,
40 + countries joined,
981 photo's shared
and conversations that continued into the afternoon! 
Here is a link for the opening session 
The video is on our district youtube channel where you’ll find  related videos  and other events
Special Recognition Student:
International Youth Exchange Student:....Maria Jose (Majo) Camacaro, Merida, Venezuela
Hon. Ray Lawson Rotarian of the Year......Stephen Knox
Jack Burghardt Community Service Above Self Award....Lori DaSilva

Make a donation to End Polio Now, and your contribution will be tripled
thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.