Virtual RED BADGE NEW MEMBER--Ian Davies--please reach out via ZOOM chat with an energetic Rotary welcome!!
Meeting Responsibilities:
Zoom Host - Don Bork
Registration - Sandy Ronson
Sgt-at-Arms-Malcolm Cocks
Fine payment-via interact e-transfer, refer to recent broadcast email to all members for details or contact Keith. NOTE-the interact e-transfer options for members now includes fines/dues/bottle drive proceeds & donations and upcoming tulip fundraiser. Refer to recent Clubrunner email to all members.
A little bit about me:
Mar 15th--John Finan
Mar 29th--John Boyne
April 19th--Ramon Marti
It costs nothing to send an eCOG to a friend/prospective member/neighbour. Please advise Jim Belton of names/contact info.
Having difficulty accessing and using Clubrunner, the platform RCL website runs on. See Clubrunner supplied link and information at the very end of the eCOG.
Rotary Satellite Club meeting details----not currently meeting at the Fox and Fiddle due to C-19, but but join them via ZOOM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm.. see details on the Facebook Page, the link is:
Have a suggestion for an eCOG-Bulletin article/story, please let Keith know.
Water is everybody’s business. Yet over 40% of the global population does not have access to sufficient clean water. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, according to UN-Water. The lack of water poses a major threat to several sectors, including food security. Additionally, March includes World Rotaract Week from the 7th to the 14th.
Here are the details: Time: The Zoom meeting will “open” at 11:30 am for those that want to socialize before the meeting which starts at 12:00 pm.
Our speaker on March 15th will be Ahad Al-Hakim. Ahad is a passionate mother of three and a driven individual who has grown and developed the London community into her new home. Mrs. Al-Hakim is the Operating Officer at PolyAnalytik Inc., headquartered at the University of Western Ontario Research Park, and works closely with leading industries and organizations within the London community to help further and support business activities in the region. She is adamant when it comes to self-advancement and development and is constantly improving herself and helping others in that process. She is passionate about the community and networking within the city of London. She is currently the Chair of Immploy Leadership Council where her true passion lies in giving back to the public by supporting and empowering newcomers and women towards leadership, education, and growth. Her presentation title today is "Diversity is our Strength”
--The Jack Burghardt Community "Service Above Self" Award--
This prestigious award may be awarded annually in the spring of the year. The purpose of The Jack Burghardt Community "Service Above Self" Awardis to recognize a member of the Rotary Club of London who is primarily involved as an active community volunteer in “non-Rotarian” activities, and secondarily as an active member within the Rotary Club of London. For much of the 1970s Jack Burghardt anchored CFPL-TV’s FYI News at 6 p.m. In 1981 he won the Federal by-election in London West. Following federal politics, Jack entered municipal politics winning a seat on the Board of Control in 1985. As he garnered the most votes, he attained the position of Deputy Mayor and was re-elected to both positions in 1988 and 1991. In 1974 Jack joined our Club and became one of our Sergeants-At-Arms, an extremely successful one! Jack helped out with a variety of committees including the Easter Seals campaigns. Following Jack’s death in 2002 the name of this award was changed to The Jack Burghardt Community ‘Service Above Self’ Award. All current active members of the Rotary Club of London, including Board members, are eligible to receive this award with the exception of the following members who are previous recipients: Bill Barnett, Jim Swan, Heather Broadhead, Bruce McGauley, Randy Warden, Felipe S. Gomes, Jan Delaney, John Eberhard, Jim Belton, Bob Earle, Ron Posno and Harry Joosten. Members of the Club are requested to complete the Nomination Form and forward to Club Secretary, Jim Belton, at jimbelton@rogers.combyMonday, 15 March. The form is can be found the home page of our website under “Home Page Download Files”. The final decision rests with the Board.
Rotary Club of London Bottle Drive
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2021. Time: 9:00AM to 1:00PM. Get involved: volunteer at one of the locations; drop off empties collected from friends and family; return your empties and donate the funds: donate $25.00.
Volunteers: 2-3 to unload cars at each of 2 locations, 2-3 to sort at each location, 2-3 with trucks to transport empties to the Ice House, and 1-2 at the Ice House to load skids. In total - 12-14 volunteers on April 3rd just to cover off the day from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. More volunteers means shorter shifts.
Locations: 50 Finsbury Cres (Gainsborough & Wonderland Roads area); and 17 York Street (Downtown London); Ice House (south of 401 and Wellington Road). Contract Lori to volunteer 519-902-6286.
NOTE: online banking e-transfer bottle proceeds and donations to Sandy as per recent Clubrunner email to all members--password mybottles
Weekly Coffee Klatch
Since the Province has extended its Stay-at-Home directive, we decided to set up a weekly Zoom “Coffee Klatch” each Thursday from 10:30 to 11:15 am.
The following Corporate Membership proposal has been approved by the Board of Directors for further processing: Julie Pontes, Senior Director, Member Experience and Risk Management, GoodLife Fitness. Sponsor: Nicci Olsen. Julie will be replacing Jane Riddell as a member of the GoodLife Fitness Corporate Membership. Any objection to this proposal must be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 26th.
Next Club Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Rotary Club of London Board will be a Zoom meeting on March 17th-Wednesday-4:30PM
- all members are welcome to attend Board meetings
- to view the Club's Board Meeting Minutes go to our website, Member Login, My ClubRunner, click on View Club Documents.
Special Recognition Student:
International Youth Exchange Student:....Maria Jose (Majo) Camacaro, Merida, Venezuela
Rotary Global Grant Scholar......................Roberta Piazza, Pisa, Italy Members:
Hon. Ray Lawson Rotarian of the Year......Stephen Knox
Jack Burghardt Community Service Above Self Award....Harry Joosten
Make a donation to End Polio Now, and your contribution will be tripled