Rotary Club of London - Club Secretaries

Rotary Club of London
Club Secretaries
1915 – 1916                Charles H. Ivey
1916 – 1929                Clarence May
1929 – 1942                Alex Morrison
1942 – 1969                Lou D. Winder
1969 – 1987                Rudolph S. Eberhard
1987 – 1990                Robert W. Nelson
1990 – 1993                Donald N. Stevens
1993 – 1997                F. Murray Wood
1997 – 1999                David Palmer
1999 – 2006                F. Murray Wood
2006 – 2024                James H. Belton
2024 –                         Harry Joosten
Rotary Club of London - Club Secretaries James Belton 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of London - Past Presidents 1915-1981

Rotary Club of London (#2875) 
Past Presidents 1915-1981
* J.K. McDermid                    1915-16
* J.M. Watt                             1916-17
* A.E. Silverwood                  1917-18
* Frank Jewell                         1918-19
* Ray Lawson                         1919-20
* James Gray                           1920-21
* W.R. Yendall                       1921-22
* Jared Vining                         1922-23
* Dr. W. Sherwood Fox         1923-24
* Dr. Alf. Grant                      1924-25
* Herbert Spittal                     1925-26
* T.A. Faust                            1926-27
* B.L. Baulch                          1927-28
* W. Floyd Marshall               1928-29
* Percy Near                           1929-30
* Walter D. Jackson                1930-31
* Dudley T. Thompson           1931-32
* Geoffrey A. Wheable          1932-33
* L.D. Winder                         1933-34
* J.F. Maine                            1934-35
* C.W. Morris                         1935-36
* J. Harold Gillies                   1936-37
* Edward B. Flint                   1937-38
* Ormie R. Burns                    1938-39
* Alex Harvey                         1939-40
* S. Floyd Maine                    1940-41
* Edward J. Farley                  1941-42
* Geo. Yendall and
* H.G. Logan                          1942-43
* W.A. McWilliams                1943-44
* E. Gordon Silverwood         1944-45
* Eric G. Moorhouse               1945-46
* Wes. Thompson                   1946-47
* J.H. Castle Graham and
* E.S. Knechtel                       1947-48
* Elmer F. Carson                   1948-49
* Tom Lawson                        1949-50
* Newt E. Irwin                      1950-51
* Tom W. Baker                      1951-52
* Ian S. Stubbs                        1952-53
* A.F. McKillop                      1953-54
* Dean R.C. Brown                1954-55
* Wm. G. Trestain                   1955-56
* Geo. M. Martin                    1956-57
* John D. Heaman                  1957-58
* Edward M. Short                 1958-59
* W.H. Shuttleworth              1959-60
* J.A. Sinnott                          1960-61
* Jack E. Struthers                  1961-62
* Russ R. Waide                     1962-63
* John N. Given                      1963-64
* H.S. Robinson                      1964-65
* A.R. McIntosh                     1965-66
* N. McBeth                           1966-67
R.S. Green                           1967-68
* K.B. Keefe                           1968-69
* Herb Cocker                         1969-70
* Dr. Darrell A. Campbell       1970-71
Harry Rawson                      1971-72
* J.A. MacPherson                  1972-73
* W.D. Sutton                         1973-74
* R.A. Jim Waring                  1974-75
John J. Eberhard                  1975-76
* Wm. B. Young                     1976-77
* Henry C. Potter                    1977-78
John M. Stuart                     1978-79
* F. Peter Wrath                      1979-80
* Keith Lazenby                     1980-81
Rotary Club of London - Past Presidents 1915-1981 James Belton 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of London - Past Presidents 1981-2024

Rotary Club of London (#2875) 
Past Presidents 1981-2024
* George A. Furtney               1981-82
* Clayton Warmuth                1982-83
* Alex V. Brown                    1983-84
* F. Murray Wood                  1984-85
Del. L. McLennan                1985-86
Kenneth F. Heard                1986-87
* S. Robert Gallagher             1987-88
James H. Belton                   1988-89
* Thomas C.R. Lawson          1989-90
Douglas A. McTavish          1990-91
* James M. Rowcliffe             1991-92
James M. Hales                    1992-93
David A. Cummins              1993-94
Jeannette A. Eberhard         1994-95
Donald N. Stevens               1995-96
* Jack Little                           1996-97
Bill Gohm                            1997-98
Douglas E. Goodman          1998-99
Bob Earley                           1999-00
Dave Brady                          2000-01
Bruce DeMuy                      2001-02
Warren Granger                   2002-03
Jim McCabe                         2003-04
Jack Scott                             2004-05
Jan Delaney                          2005-06
Rick Coates                          2006-07
John Boyne                          2007-08
Sandi McCabe                     2008-09
Britta Winther                      2009-10
Bob Black                            2010-11
Marilyn Neufeld                  2011-12
Harry Joosten                       2012-13
Greg Schinkel                      2013-14
David Elliott                        2014-15
Michele Parkin                     2015-16
Cindy Rektor                       2016-17
Stephen Knox                      2017-18
Jim Swan                              2018-19
Howard Shears                    2019-20
Dianne Prowse Twynstra    2020-21
Don Bork                             2021-22
Rick Coates                          2022-23
John Finan                            2023-24
Rotary Club of London - Past Presidents 1981-2024 James Belton 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Club Awards - Jack Burghardt Community 'Service Above Self' Award

Posted by Jim Belton on Jun 30, 2024

The Jack Burghardt Community ‘Service Above Self’ Award

The Jack Burghardt Community 'Service Above Self’ Award recognizes a member of the Rotary Club of London who is primarily involved as an active volunteer in “non-Rotarian” activities in the community, and secondarily as an active member within the Rotary Club of London. 

Recipients of  The Jack Burghardt Community ‘Service Above Self’ Award 

*1996/97 Doug Parnell
*1997/98 Gord Corneil
​1998/99 Dave Cummins
2001/02 Susan Sharpe
2002/03 Nick Niro
​2003/04 Ed Holder
2004/05 Jim Hales
2005/06 Maj. Neil Lewis
*2006/07 Bill Barnett
2007/08 Jim Swan
2008/09 Jeannette Eberhard
​2009/10 Heather
2010/11 Bruce McGauley
​2011/12 Randy Warden
2012/13 Felipe S. Gomes
*2013/14 Thomas Lawson
2014/15 Jan Delaney
2015/16 John Eberhard
2016/17 James H. Belton
2017/18 Robert A. Earley
2018-19 T. Ron Posno
2019-20 Harry Joosten
2020-21 Lori Da Silva
2021-22 Jerry Pribil
2022-23 Ian Davies

Club Awards - Jack Burghardt Community 'Service Above Self' Award Jim Belton 2024-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Club Awards - Paul Harris Fellowship Community Service Award

Purpose of the Recognition
The purpose of the Paul Harris Fellowship Community Service Award is to recognize Londoners who have been highly involved in providing the Rotary value of “Service Above Self” locally, nationally, or internationally, and should include promotion of the award in the community to further awareness of Rotary.
Anyone with the exception of:
- All members of a Rotary Club
- Past recipients of a Paul Harris Fellowship by the Rotary Club of London.
Paul Harris Fellowship Community Recognition Recipients

Presentations Prior to the Paul Harris Fellowship Community Service Award
Douglas Alexander            Nov 2006
Phil Bowman                      Oct 2001
Jesse Davidson                   Dec 1998
John Davidson                   Dec 1998
Wayne Dunn                      Feb 2005
Libby Fowler                      Oct 2001
Robert Fuller                      May 1997
Thomas R. Getliffe            Dec 2005
John LaPorta                      Sep 2018
David M. Lucy                   Dec 1992        
Megan McCreary               Apr 2008
Carol Menzies                    Nov 1993
Peter Merger                       Feb 2005
Erin Rankin-Nash               Feb 2005
Michael C. Tucker              Nov 1993
Ashley White                     Apr 2008
Note: other presentations have been made by members to members of their family and are not part of this list.

Paul Harris Fellowship Community Service Award Recipients
Glen Pearson                      2021
Jane Roy                             2021
Sister Joan Atkinson          2022
Andy & Hellen Spriet        2023
Mandie Fields                    2024

Club Awards - Paul Harris Fellowship Community Service Award James Belton 2024-05-13 04:00:00Z 0

Club Awards - Hon. Ray Lawson Rotarian of the Year Award

The Honourable Ray Lawson ‘Rotarian of the Year’ Award
The Honourable Ray Lawson ‘Rotarian of the Year’ Award recognizes a member of the Rotary Club of London who is/has been highly involved in Club activities and may have also been active in Rotary District 6330 activities. 
Recipients of  the Honourable Ray Lawson ‘Rotarian of the Year’ Award
* 1975 Dick Armstrong
* 1976 Al Sinnot
* 1977 Jack Burghardt
* 1978 Trevor Davies
* 1979 Alex McIntosh
* 1980 Doug Parnell
* 1981 Ernie Martin
1982    John Stuart
1983    James H. Belton
1984    Gord Hume
1985    Norman Pizzale
* 1986 Murray Wood
* 1987    Bill Noseworthy
1988    John Eberhard
* 1989    Brian Carroll
* 1990 Col. Tom Lawson
* 1991 Peter Wrath
*1992  Ross Strickland
1993    Ken Heard
1994    Bob Earley
* 1995 Bob Nelson
1996    Terry Green
1997    Susan J. Sharpe
1998    James M. Hales
1999    Bob Black
2000    Sandi McCabe
2001    Jack Scott
2002    Britta Winther
2003    Owen Thornton
* 2004    Jack Little
2005    Jeannette Eberhard
2006    Keith Morrow
2007    Bruce McGauley
2008    Jan Delaney
2009    Don Stevens
2010    Rick Coates
2011    Warren Granger
2012    David Brady
2013    Randy Harden
2014    Elizabeth Harris
2015    Marilyn Neufeld
2016    Donald Bork
2017    Heather T. Broadhead
2018    David J. Elliott
2019    Harry Joosten
2020    Stephen E. Knox

2021    Kirk Langford
2022    Howard Shears
2023    Jim Swan
Club Awards - Hon. Ray Lawson Rotarian of the Year Award Jim Belton 2023-11-27 05:00:00Z 0
Changes in Club Meeting Times and Locations Don Bork 2022-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Special Recognition

Posted by Jim Belton on Jun 09, 2020

International Youth Exchange Student:.....2022-23--Nanda Jurt, from Sissach, Switzerland.

Hon. Ray Lawson Rotarian of the Year:.....2022 Howard Shears
Jack Burghardt Service Above Self Award:.....2022-23 Ian Davies

Special Recognition Jim Belton 2020-06-09 04:00:00Z 0

Hello from Mexico

Posted on Aug 23, 2016

This is Fionn Sweeney, your outbound (now inbound!) to Mexico! I arrived August 6th to Veracruz, Ver. Mexico and so far I've been having an incredible time. My host family is a single mother, Leticia, and her daughter Isaura. However, yesterday Isaura left for her own Rotary exchange to France, so now it's just me and Mama.

I started school last week and really love it. My Spanish isn't very good so I don't understand much but my teachers are very understanding of that and all of the friends I've made try to help me as well. I'm so happy I'm in such a warm and welcoming country.

       Last night my Mama and I returned from Mexico City (where Isaura's flight was from) and it was such a beautiful city. There was a music festival and the city was preparing for their independence day which is next month. The architecture was incredible, a beautiful mix of old and new.
       I also visited Xalapa, the capital of the state of Veracruz, which was also beautiful as well. My Mama's family lives there so I got to meet all the cousins, nieces, and nephews, and let me tell you, there were a lot. I'll try to send you and the  club updates every month or so if that's okay with you. I've also included a picture from my trip to Mexico City (it was a little rainy that day).

Sincerely, Fionnuala Sweeney

Hello from Mexico 2016-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Hello From Japan

Posted by Randall Harden on Sep 30, 2014

A letter from Lily Oving, our Youth Exchange Student in Japan:

Hi Everyone,

I've been at school for just over half a month now, and it's really fun.  I was invited by the kendo team (a Japanese sword fighting sport) to join in their practice today. My host mom bought me all the equipment I'd need and borrowed the armor (since it's really expensive) despite me insisting that I could buy it myself. A couple of days ago, I went to a tea ceremony and then was taken to a hotel restaurant for lunch. I would never be able to afford to eat there, as it was one of the most expensive hotels in all of Tokyo. It was delicious, though. I keep feeling bad about all the money they spend for me to participate, but the response is always the same: "Don't worry about it, it's fine." Except in, you know, Japanese. Speaking of which, I can converse pretty well with the people around me, although I still don't understand most of what they're saying unless they're directing it at me (then they slow down and use easy words).

We had a sports festival and it was really fun, though the events weren't really conventional sports so much as really weird activities (like the four person three legged race in box formation). My team won first place. My rotary club had a meeting for my arrival on a dinner boat the other day, and it was amazing. One of the Rotarians gave me two tickets to Tokyo Disneyland for me and whomever I want to take. Finally, my host family has been taking me to all sorts of traditional Japanese things, like temples and shrines. They even managed to get me into a parade for carrying a portable shrine around town. It was heavy and my shoulders hurt for days afterwards, but it was really interesting. By the way, usually you have to be at least 20 to participate in carrying the shrine, but they made an exception for me. Though, they kept trying to offer me alcohol. I'm having a lot of fun here.

Lily Oving

Kawasaki Rotary Club

Hello From Japan Randall Harden 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Club’s New YouTube Channel

Posted by James Belton on Sep 24, 2014

Check it out at:


Many “Thanks” to Jim Swan for uploading these videos.  

Club’s New YouTube Channel James Belton 2014-09-25 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Clock for the Rotary Square at the Covent Market Garden

Posted on Aug 04, 2014

To celebrate 100 years of service to the London community, Rotary clubs in London are donating $100,000 to install a 14-foot illuminated clock in the tower at Covent Garden Market.  

Highly visible to patrons of Budweiser Gardens and the Market, the clock will enhance the area known as Rotary Square that is home to the Rotary Skating Rink and numerous community events.

Construction will begin in late fall with the official grand opening in March 2015. The same clock builder installed the clock in the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill in Ottawa – The Verdin Company.  

The clock will be a spectacular enhancement to the existing Market structure and beautify the area while raising the profile of Rotary Square.  

Rotary Clock

Rotary Clock for the Rotary Square at the Covent Market Garden 2014-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

Hello From Brazil

Posted by Randall Harden on Mar 29, 2014

Eden is our Youth Exchange Student studying in Brazil.

Hi Randy,


My time in Brasil so far has truly been the experience of a lifetime. I am currently 7 months and a few days into my 10 month exchange here and I have already learned so much. Apart from the language skills I have acquired, I have also learned so much about myself as a person and the world on a larger scale. Living apart from my family and friends has certainly been a learning experience. I have learned to be more independent but also how to ask for help when I need it. Leaving my oldest friends behind, I have learned to make new friendships while maintaining those back home.


As we learned in our district training the first months of my exchange were certainly the hardest. Each day trying to communicate through the language barrier is exhausting and I had days where I thought about giving up. However, I knew that if I kept working at it, eventually my Portuguese would improve- and it did! By the time Christmas came around I was speaking well with my family and friends and was able to fully enjoy the holiday season in Brasil! On New Year's eve I participated in the famous Sao Silvestre 15km road race in Sao Paulo city. After lots of hard work I ended up coming in 2nd place for my age division! A few weeks later I departed from Sao Paulo to take part in a 23 day trip to the Northeast of Brasil. Spending 23 days with 50 other exchange students from all around the world was one of the greatest experiences of my life. (Thank you Rotary!!). In February I celebrated my 18th birthday with my friends and family. My mom made me a beautiful cake and my friends from school had a surprise party for me during class! It was a truly unforgettable day for me. In the beginning of March all of Brasil stopped for 5 days to celebrate Carnaval. I spent one day in a city called Sao Luiz de Paraitinga where the traditional street parties are famous. The rest of Carnaval I spent with 3 other exchange students in a city close to where I live. I switched host families for the first time just a week later. Saying goodbye to my first family was very hard, I have grown to love them so much! I just got settled in to my second family when I left for my second trip, this time to the South of Brasil! Again I made so many new friends and by the end of the 12 days it truly felt like I was part of a big, crazy, exchange student family! 


I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone at home for giving me this amazing opportunity here in Brasil. I am truly grateful for all the hard work you guys have done and continue to do at home so I can take part in this program. District 6330 and the Rotary Club of London are the best!

Eden is second from left directly behind the YE student in blue.


Hello From Brazil Randall Harden 2014-03-30 00:00:00Z 0

Hello From Belgium

Posted by Randall Harden on Mar 29, 2014

Elsie is our Youth Exchange Student studying in Belgium.



Here is a little note to say that everything is still wonderful for me in Belgium! I have started French Language courses now, and I aim to be Fluent when I return. I also have been visiting many places with my host family and friends in Belgium. I have now visited almost every Belgian city as well as the great European capitals! I love how I can get on a train and in an hour and a half, I'm in Paris. However, it is always nice to return home after my adventures. Which are Rotary Sanction, I will add! 


I love my second host family and I have made a great group of Belgian friends. I am now included in all the events, which means I'm a part of the group. 

I thank you once again for this once in a life time chance. I am so very lucky to be living my 18th year in European surrounded by culture, art and great food!  


Attached is a picture I took in Amsterdam. It is a magical city and I would like to go back to Holland and see the tulips in spring.





Hello From Belgium Randall Harden 2014-03-30 00:00:00Z 0

Danli Market Kids Program

Posted by Jim Belton on Jan 22, 2013

The Rotary Club of London, through your World Community Service Committee, has committed to send “Market Kids” to school in Danli, Honduras.

These children are called “Market Kids” because Mom, almost always a single parent, must keep her children with her all day at the market. She cannot afford the cost to send them to school, and cannot afford alternate care. For 11 hours every day, while Mom scratches out enough income to feed her family and keep a tin roof over their heads, her children roam the market and surrounding streets. The conditions are ripe to be lured in gangs, crime, prostitution and drugs, and many will fall victim.

Without an education
These kids have no hope for a better life.
Our goal is to provide up to 550 qualified children and youth the school supplies, school uniforms, shoes and school activity fees required to enroll in school. The average cost is only $100/child for a year at school!
We need your help again!
We accept Visa, Master Card, cheques made payable to the Rotary Club of London Foundation (please give to Sandy Ronson) or on line at
Every dollar you contribute is very important! and YES, we are able to issue full tax receipts.
I will be in Honduras in February to photograph every child we help and in turn share the picture of your student(s) with you, with their “muchas gracias.” What a great gift to give to your adult children and grandchildren for Christmas.
Thank you for Helping us to Help these special Market Kids,
Stephen Knox
World Community Service Committee
Rotary Club of London
Danli Market Kids Program Jim Belton 2013-01-23 00:00:00Z 0
Literacy – Area 4 – Dictionary Project John McDonald 2012-12-13 00:00:00Z 0

Corporate Membership Initiative

Posted by J. H. Belton on Jul 22, 2012
Our RI Innovation & Flexibility Pilot Program Committee has completed the Corporate Membership format and package contents and these are at the weekly meeting registration desk. If you are taking a package to present to a company in our Community, please advise Heather Broadhead so that we don't have any repeated asks going on. We appreciate your support to date, and your ongoing commitment to ensure that we grow our membership to make this International project a success. Any questions, please contact Heather, 519-474-3373 or e: 
Corporate Membership Initiative J. H. Belton 2012-07-23 00:00:00Z 0